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2) lovino.fr belongs to Atokado INC., located at Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Marshall Islands. Registration number: MH 96960
lovino.fr authorises the user to consult its website for private purposes only. Its content reproduction, display, or distribution for commercial uses is strictly forbidden by the present regulations. All content provided on lovino.fr is protected by copyright. The materials used and displayed on the website, including but not limited to texts, photographs, names, logos, trademarks and service marks, are the property of lovino or its affiliates or licensor’s and are protected by the law. their use, copy (reproductions, downloads or printings), modification or diffusion without prior authorization is illegal and would lead to immediate destruction.
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2) Neither this website, nor its affiliated partners or employees can guarantee the exemption of errors or the continuance of the proposed services, its contents and its ranking obtained results.
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4) Atokado INC. can interrupt its activities, without advance notice, nor compensation, and close temporarily or definitively lovino.fr or the access to one or several related services. The company is not responsible for any disturbance or impossibility to use the website, IT security failures which could lead to degradations of any kind.
lovino.fr proposes a ranking of third sites. These affiliated websites can be reached since a user clicks one of the links listed in the proposed websites partners ranking. When the user clicks one of these links, he or she leaves our website. We have no control on our partners contents and activities. These third sites have their own regulations and terms of use. lovino.fr, and its team members, cannot be responsible for any damages occurring on these affiliated sites. No complaint related to their websites content, their activities, traffic or processes of any kind will be received.
These General terms of use apply to lovino.fr and to the proposed services. By using this site, you accept the conditions of the present contract, which can be updated or modified without notice. Please take note that it is of your responsibility to consult this page from time to time to acquaint with possible revisions. If you do not accept our policy, you will have to leave our website.
All feedbacks, comments, requests concerning our General Terms of Use must be enquired at: admin@lovino.fr